January 29, 2008

Best-of-the-Best Wedding Party

For an explanation of best-of-the-best click here.

Aaron's Picks:
I know this post is out of order but Heather has been a little slow getting me her last few picks for the Grooms (shame).

Wedding Parties definitely provide for the most variety. You just never know what you're going to get. Sometimes it's a big party, calm and somber, small, huge, you get the idea. Because of the variety I could talk forever so lets just get to it.

This is one of my favorite shots of the year just because it's an attention getter. It's great when we go to bridal shows as it stops so many people that walk by. It's funny though because everyone asks how much photoshop went in to it. I'm here to say that it is almost completely a straight shot, I only blurred the background a little bit. I also love it just because it just fits Gabe & Courtney so well. Photographer: Aaron Hawes

It's great when the we get help from the group. This shot was completely thought up by the guys, I was just lucky enough to get to take the picture. It works though. Photographer: Aaron Hawes

It's amazing how much of a difference a little bit of snow can make in a picture. It completely changed the mood here. If I had my choice every winter wedding would have snow, just my opinion. Photographer: Aaron Hawes

Heather's Picks:

This takes our “bad ass” shot to a whole new level! My favorite thing about this picture is the reaction most people have when we show it to them. Everyone seems drawn to it. Photographer: Aaron Hawes

I love how the editing on this shot brought out jewel-tone colors. Photographer: Aaron Hawes

Photographer: Aaron Hawes



hey friends, the pool table shot kicks major arse!!!! LOVE it! thanks for the blog comment, it made my day bigtime.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

You are a very smart person!

mackyton said...

Superb share from Best-of-the-Best Wedding Party. I loved reading through this. Anyways, we are also planning to get married in the next year and we want a gorgeous beach wedding at the local beachside Seattle venues and need some suggestions for DIY decorations. If you have any please share here.