January 24, 2008

Best-of-the-best Brides

For an explanation of best-of-the-best click here.

Aaron's Picks:
Shooting our brides is another of our favorite parts of the day. It's almost too easy. When you have beautiful women that are looking their best and having fun the pictures just roll. It is definitely our pleasure to help make these wonderful brides look the part.
Since I took this picture it has instantly become the most requested shot by brides. Everyone wants to look like this. I'll be honest, it's a little more contrived then I typically like to shoot but the results are stunning. This is by far the best capture of this shot we've ever taken. Thanks for being you Stephanie! Photo by: Aaron Hawes

For me this shot really encompasses our style. A beautiful bride just having fun, showing wonderful personality and emotion, and captured with a fashion flare. Kim was one of our easiest brides to photograph this year and we're honored to call her a friend. Photo by: Aaron Hawes

This pick is kind of funny for me. It's not one of my favorite set-ups to do, it is typically on request and not usually a favorite of mine. This one is different though. Just look at those eyes, I don't need to say anything else. Photo by: Aaron Hawes

Heather's Picks:

This category was really hard – by far the hardest for me! I honestly think all of our brides are so gorgeous on their wedding day so it was hard to narrow down my favorites.

Stephanie was a bride who would look good next to the simplest of backgrounds as we prove here. I think this picture is so elegant and simple. Photo by: Aaron Hawes

This picture completely captures Berlice. She has a vibrant personality and is very outgoing. Photo by: Aaron Hawes

Something about this portrait is just so fresh. It almost feels like Gretchen just finished a sentence and is waiting for your reply, like you are the best of friends. Photo by: Matt Frye

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